Under state law, North Carolina residents are eligible for a lower tuition rate to both community colleges and public universities, which includes Central Carolina Community College. NC Residency Determination is handled by the NC Residency Determination Service. Learn more about Residency Determination here.

Once an applicant has completed the Residency Determination Service, the applicant will be assigned a residency certification number (RCN). An application cannot be completed without an RCN.

Some students may be coded as out-of-state, but will be eligible for in-state tuition rates. These special categories of students will have additional paperwork to submit to qualify for the reduced tuition rate. These special classes of students must still have an RCN. The special categories include:

  • Military/Military Dependent Waiver Benefit: Under a special provision of North Carolina and federal law, non-resident active duty military personnel and their eligible family members can be charged in-state tuition. If you are a member of the Armed Forces who is on active duty, or the spouse, dependent child, or dependent relative of a member of the Armed Forces who is on active duty, you may qualify for the in-state tuition rate. This benefit applies to individuals in the U.S. Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, Navy, and reserve units of these military groups, among others. If you are a member of the North Carolina National Guard, you may also qualify for in-state tuition, regardless of whether you are on active or reserve status. If you believe this provision applies to you, please complete the Military Tuition Waiver Form for Members of the Armed Services and Their Dependent Relatives. If additional information is needed, your residency reviewer may contact you. This status must be updated annually.
  • Veteran 702 Choice Act Waiver Benefit: Under a special provision of North Carolina and federal law, non-resident military veterans and their eligible family members can be charged in-state tuition. If you were a member of the Armed Forces who was honorably discharged, or the spouse, dependent child, or dependent relative of a veteran of the Armed Forces who is using Veteran Administration benefits (the GI Bill), you may qualify for the in-state tuition rate. This benefit applies to individuals who were in the U.S. Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, Navy, and reserve units of these military groups, among others. If you believe this provision applies to you, please complete the Veteran 702 Choice Act Waiver. Students must document that they physically reside in NC, have been honorably discharged, and intend to become a NC resident. Dependents must also document their dependency to the veteran. This status must be updated each term.
  • Business Sponsored Waivers: The General Assembly has enacted laws applicable only to community colleges that create exceptions to the general requirements for in-state tuition. The NC Employer Sponsored Waiver applies "when an employer other than the Armed Forces . . . pays tuition for an employee to attend [a community college] and . . . the employee works at a North Carolina business location, the employer shall be charged the in-state tuition rate." If a student is employed at a North Carolina business location and the employer of the student working at the North Carolina business location wants to pay for the student to attend a community college, the employer shall be charged the in-state tuition rate. If you believe this provision applies to you, please complete the NC Employer Sponsor Waiver Form. If additional information is needed, your residency reviewer may contact you. This status must be updated every semester.
  • Special residency category student paperwork will be evaluated by the dean of enrollment in the Student Records and Registrar’s Office. If additional information is needed, college staff may contact you. Final decisions are sent via email to your college email account. For more information on residency determination, please review the FAQs on the NC Residency webpage.